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2013 June Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair James Shea, Bob Callahan, Leslie Tuttle, Chris Burke, Amy Everitt
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Tim Short, Recreation Supervisor, Department of Parks and Recreation, Elizabeth Peterson, Mamadou Diop, Angelo Meimeteas, Natalie Femino, Steve Pinto, Ruby Hill
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Shea at 6:44pm

Approval of May minutes

Callahan motioned to approve and Tuttle seconded. Approved unanimously


Ruby Hill – Founders Day Picnic

Discussed the tradition of the Founders Day picnic.  She’s with Saint Peter’s Church and the event is being held at Camp Naumkeag and they’re asking for a reduction in the $400 rental fee.  Callahan asked how many people will attend.  Hill responded that it would be around 60 people.  Shea asked if they could do $200 and she said they could probably.  Callahan asked how long St Peters has been around and Hill responded that they celebrated their 280th anniversary recently.  Hill also stated that the event was made up of donations.  Callahan motions they waive the fee, Burke seconds.  On the condition that they clean it thoroughly and dispose of the trash.  Motion approved unanimously.

Mamadou Diop – African Development, Salem Common

They are committed to s are giving the same amount of $500 this year to their charity of choice.  All details are the same. Dates are July 20th & 21st.  Callahan asked about port-a-potties.  Diop stated that they would and that takes up most of the money raised and includes 4 and one handicap port-a-potty.

Everitt motions to approve and Callahan seconded. Passes unanimously.

Angelo Meimeteas – Salem Willows Restroom Proposal

Meimeteas provided each commissioner with a drawing/rendering/floor plan for the Clam Shack.  1200 square feet.  Wasn’t sure if the commissioners wanted to look at it.  Meimeteas also provided pictures of the fencing he plans to use.  Tuttle as about the fuel source and Meimeteas said they plan to use natural gas.  Callahan asked if Meimeteas looked into permitting and Meimeteas said not yet as he was waiting to get the Board’s approval first.  
Tuttle asked about the crushed stone and Meimeteas brought photos to show. Shea suggested he keep it as grass.  Meimeteas said in his restaurant, that he put down the black landscaper plastic which keeps the grass under control.  Meimeteas also said that the stone is temporary and can be removed if things change.  Everitt asked about accessibility and people being able to get around the tables in a wheelchair.  Meimeteas wants to also include several handicapped tables and said that is something he’ll deal with the engineer with.

Callahan motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Approved unanimously.

Natalie Femino – Puppy Mill Awareness Day, Salem Common

The event is on Sunday, September 22, 2013.  Shea asked if this was the 2nd year doing it at the Common and the 7th year doing the event and Famino concurred.  Femino stated that the goal is to educate people on the existence of puppy mills and how to get rid of them.  They have tables and provide information to people during the event. Shea asked what a puppy mill was and Femino responded that they are where puppies are bred in a place under horrible conditions and the puppies are then sold through pet stores and online.  Femino commented that they will have tables with various rescue groups, animal related tables, etc.  They also have a variety of dog related events including a raffle, demonstrations, obedience training and other demos.  Shea asked if there were any problems last year and Short said no.  Burke asked if they used port-a-potties before, and Femino said no, because it’s a small amount of people that come in and out during the course of the event. Burke asked about table cost and Femino replied that they charge $25 per table and then donate to several canine organizations.  Burke commented that they filled out an application and wondered why this is before the Commission.  Short responded that because Partanen is here, it’s important for groups using the Common come before the Commission.  Femino asked if a food vendor can come in (ie. hot dogs and drinks).  Short responded that if they do, they will have to go through the Health Department because they’d need approval from the Health Department and the Licensing Board in order to food vend at the event.  

Everitt made a motion to approve the Puppy Mill Awareness Day and Tuttle seconded. Passes unanimously.

Elizabeth Peterson – Pioneer Village

When Peterson heard that Pioneer Village was going to operate through the Witch House, she wanted to take Pioneer Village under their wing.  She commented that this was a great opportunity to sell tickets at the Witch House and utilize the Trolley to get people over and back.  July/August/September get school groups will be coming over and during October it will also be important.  Shea asked if she plans to make changes, and she said not right now that maybe if they continue with the stewardship, they would.  Peterson commented that Goss and Gordon College had a 5 year plan that lost thousands.  Peterson has some ideas ways to work it on special program days.  Shea asked if Peterson has thought it out and Peterson responded that Gordon College currently has one or two people staffing it right now. Shea expressed concern about the quality and Peterson stressed that education and quality tours can be provided without losing something of value.  Shea stated that they feel very confident she can do it.  Peterson commented that she’s in a unique position to do this project and if the Park’s Department is there, we need to be more vigilant with our communications about who takes cares of it.  Peterson has a variety of ideas to engage many different collaborators.

Shea asked about the budget and Peterson replied that there are 8 different ideas. These include trolley and interpreters.  The idea is that we don’t lose any money in theory.  Most of the people are willing to put together a format that before people might not have been willing to do to prevent the loss of the site.  Callahan commented that right now, doing something is a win-win situation, and if we were to close it for the summer there is concern about vandalism.  He also added that trying out a change with the management is what got the Witch House up and profitable.

Everitt asked who Peterson is working with at Salem State and Peterson replied that it is Ted Baker.  Everitt added that she teaches at Salem State and if she comes up with a model that incorporates many nonprofits, it would be very beneficial.  Peterson responded that she’s communicated with Historic Salem, who is very interested in the project. She also said it doesn’t seem to be a problem, and it’s a responsibility of the House and we should take stewardship.  

Shea asked about the average gross revenue and Peterson wasn’t sure, and that she will share that information with Partanen as soon as she gets it.  Burke commented that Peterson is working on a plan with Partanen and that will use a similar model as contract employees.  Callahan expressed concern that there be CORI requirements since there will be lots of children in the programs, especially anyone dealing with school groups. Peterson agreed and stated that she would work on it. Peterson commented that they plan to open the 1st week of July. They just need to finalize the trolley agreement. They expect to have 3 runs a day between 12:00 – 3:30pm.  Callahan added that he likes the idea that employees are not city employees and it won’t cost the city any money.

Both Shea and Callahan are supportive of this property and Peterson commented that it’s such a critical site to keep going.

Burke motions for a vote in favor of the project going forward and that Partanen will keep the Commission informed of updates. Seconded by Everitt. Passes unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report

Review Monthly Revenue – Tim Short (for Karen Partanen)

Golf & Winter Island are still doing very well. Witch House is still doing well.  Expenses out of the Willows Meters are tree trimming and painting of gazebo and fence. Revenue is 12.4%. Recreation Revolving Account for the last 2 months had positive increases.  Callahan asked about a $10,000 transaction and Short responded that he didn’t know but would have Partanen get back to him about it.  Callahan commented that April/May seem ok. Short stated that most of that money were instructor fees. Callahan stated that it has come down and is anxious to see what June will look like.  Short stated that Winter Island’s revolving account is going up and Gilbert’s doing well.

Witch Hill Playground

Shea asked if there’s a street address for the playground and Short said not yet.  Short went on to say that Partanen is requesting (on page 5 D) and is looking for getting permission to getting it listed as a playground instead of a basketball court.  Burke commented that Section 21, page 5 deals with the park. Lot 234 on sheet. It looks like they’re to be next to each other and Shea asked if we owned the path.  Burke asked about Lot 38 and wondered what was going on.  Burke wants to drive up there and look at that.  Callahan asked if they’re asking us to approve the change and added that there is some confusion about the deed and if the land belongs to Park and Recreation.  Shea asked Short about the history and Short said he didn’t know.  Some discussion about the land and what is the correct information.  Shea asked the commissioners what they wanted to do with this proposal, given that the lots were not adjacent.  Shea requested this be tabled.  Tuttle wants to see the layout and Shea agreed. With information about who owns the trail, etc.  Perhaps use Google Earth for that.  Short suggests they ask Partanen more about it.  Tabled to next meeting.

Parks & Facility

Softball Field Conditions

Partanen met with Lisa King to discuss the fields.  Mac Park and McGlue.   The work is going to start soon and the issued Partanen expressed concern about having more staffing to get it done.  And, especially someone dedicated to fields and parks.  Shea asked Short if this will require a new staff person for the new budget and Short said yes.
Callahan commented that any vote we take will be to support Partanen in wanting to do this and then Partanen will take to the Mayor.  Shea asked Short to request that Partanen provide more details.

Burke motions to support Partanen in her goal of hiring a dedicated park foreman to deal with fields, parks and playgrounds.  2nd by Callahan. Passes unanimously.

Willows Pier Update

Short stated that the contract was awarded to~North Shore Marine for $53,000 and they will begin repairs this week and continue through the next three weeks. The work will start closest to land, and continue seaward so portions of the pier can open as the work progresses. The entire length of the pier will be repaired. The City is still speaking with insurance trying to be reimbursed for portions of this repair.  Shea commented that it’s going to start from the land in and the work is being done by the Pelletier’s.

Golf Carts

Partanen will ask City Council for ok on getting these.  Shea asked why we’re not making money on this and Short responded that they’re needed. Tuttle wondered if we didn’t have a special deal on the carts.  Currently it’s not going to earn/lose us any money.  Callahan commented that if we change how we lease, that would change price.  

Tuttle motions for Partanen to go to the City Council for approval and Callahan seconded. Passes unanimously.

New Business

Burke asked that the BB gun issue be put on the agenda for the next meeting.  Short asked about paint ball and Burke responded that there is no paint ball without parent permission.

Callahan motioned to adjourn and Burke seconded at 7:47pm

Adjournment Next Meeting July 16, 2013